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Input Dialog


This activity displays a dialog box that prompts the user with a label message and an input field.


InputIsPassword In(Boolean)Specifies if the input value should be treated as a password.
Label In(String)The text to display as the label of the form.
E.g: "What is your favorite color?"
Title In(String)The title of the dialog.
E.g: "Color Picker"
Options In(String[])Provides an array of options to choose from instead of textbox. If set to contain only one element, a text box appears to write text. If set to contain 2 or 3 elements, they appear as radio button to select from. If select more than 3, they appear as a combo box to choose from.
OutputResult Out(String)The value inserted by the user in the input dialog stored in a variable.

A product of IRTech Company